Saturday, May 16, 2009

Week Six-Field Trip

I was sad that I had to miss another field trip, so I had my own.  I took my friend Becky and her 3 darling girls.  She is starting a new business and she wanted me to take some pictures to help with her advertising.  All those cute clothes her daughters are wearing, well she made them.  Yes she is amazing. These are a few of my favorites.

f5.6, ss1/50, iso200


  1. You did a great job. Your models look like they are having fun.

  2. Those girls are adorable! They do look like they're having fun! I like the color that you captured in all of them, and I especially like the unique angle of the 4th photo.

    Critique: When you're out photographing people, watch for light to hit their eyes. When light falls on a subject's eyes (look at this picture - - copy and paste the URL into the address bar), the subject looks more lively and vibrant. Having light in the eyes also brings emphasis to the focal point in a portrait - the eyes! Overall, you did a great job with these and I am sure that your friend and her girls loved them!

  3. We missed you on our trip! looks like you had fun anyway. All your pictures are wonderful...i enjoyed how you used the props

  4. I love the bright color you have in your pictures, and the angles you use--good job!
